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What is Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental implant surgery is a common option for replacing missing teeth. Unlike removable dentures that rest on the gum line, dental implants are a long-term treatment that is surgically implanted into the jaw. These implanted, artificial teeth look like real teeth and have the same functionality as well. They are a more permanent solution to ordinary dentures and bridgework.

What are the benefits of Dental Implant Surgery?

Among the many advantages to getting dental implants are:

  • Improved appearance. Dental implants look and feel more natural than dentures. Because they fuse with your jawbone, they become permanent. Eventually, you won’t even notice them.
  • Improved speech. Dentures can slip in your mouth, become loose, and make talking clearly very difficult. Dental implants, on the other hand, replace your teeth without requiring any sort of daily adjustments.
  • Improved comfort. Once you’re used to the feel of your new dental implants, they are naturally a part of you!
  • Easier eating. No more having to worry about not being able to eat your favorite foods! Since dental implants are fused into your jaw, they work just like regular teeth.
  • Working teeth are not affected. With a tooth-supported bridge, nearby healthy teeth have to be reduced to support your replacements. However, dental implants do not affect working teeth, improving your overall oral health. Plus, it’s easier to brush between individual implanted teeth.
  • They will last a long time. With good care, these durable implants can last a lifetime.

What happens during the procedure?

Dental implants are implanted into the jawbone where they replace the roots of the teeth that are missing. The implants contain titanium that, when implanted into the jaw, fuses with the jawbone. Once fusion occurs, the dental implants hold firmly in place, they do not slip or make noise. There are different types of dental implants available and the way that dental implant surgery is performed will depend on the type of implant that is chosen as well as the condition of the jaw.

Who should get dental implants?

Dental implants are not for everyone, but certain conditions and circumstances may make dental implants the better option:

  • Having more than one missing tooth
  • Having a jawbone that has reached full growth
  • Having ample amounts of bone to secure the implant
  • Having healthy oral tissues
  • Being unwilling or unable to wear dentures
  • Do you fit any of these conditions? Give us a call today to learn more about affordable dental implant options with Campbell Dental Group in Tucson.

Are dental implants safe though?

Yes! Unlike traditional dentures and bridgework, dental implants do not cause any damage to the bone. Additionally, all of the material used for dental implants are safe and do not cause any decay. Still, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, should check with their health care provider prior to having dental implant surgery. Fortunately, most individuals with these conditions will receive the green light for the procedure, as long as certain precautions are met. Dental implant surgery is not recommended for children as their jaws have not yet reached full growth.

Dentists have used dental implants for many years, and implant technology continues to advance. Today, dental implants are sophisticated devices that highly trained professionals put in place. They’re one of the most reliable ways to replace missing teeth.

What are the risks associated with Dental Implant Surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are some health risks associated with dental implant surgery. Complications are relatively rare and when they do occur they are generally mild, requiring minimal treatment. Possible health risks associated with dental implant surgery include:

  • Infection occurring at the implant site
  • Damage to surrounding teeth or blood vessels
  • Nerve damage
  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Sinus problems

I’ve heard the procedure can take several months to complete. Is that true?

Dental implant surgery is performed in several stages, with the entire process lasting anywhere from 3 to 9 months. Much of this time includes time off for healing and the growth of new jaw bone:

  • The first surgery involves the placement of the dental implant cylinder into the jawbone. A rest period of a few months follows.
  • The next surgery involves the placement of the abutment and the new artificial tooth. Another healing period then follows.
  • Some individuals will require a bone graft surgery prior to having dental implant surgery. This is common in individuals who have a jawbone that is too soft or is not thick enough to sustain the implant. During a bone graft, a piece of bone is taken from a different part of the jaw or another part of the body and is transplanted to the jawbone.
  • Still sound like a good option for you? Click here to see why Campbell Dental Group patients are some of the happiest patients in town!

That sounds pretty intense. Would I have to stay overnight in the hospital?

You’re in luck! Dental implant surgery is generally performed as an outpatient procedure. It is performed in a dental office or in a hospital, with no overnight stay required.

What are the side effects that come along with Dental Implant Surgery?

  1. Minor side effects of dental implant surgery include:
  2. Swelling of the gums
  3. Swelling of the face
  4. Pain at implant site
  5. Bleeding

These side effects are relatively mild and often improve shortly. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or pain medications. You will be instructed to eat only soft foods for up to one week. Self-dissolving stitches are typically used.

Does Dental Implant Surgery always work?

Unfortunately, dental implant surgery is not always successful. If the bone does not fuse to the implant, it will have to be removed and the procedure can be repeated. Still, this is incredibly rare. Maintaining good oral hygiene after dental implant surgery can help decrease the risk of complications and problems that may arise with dental implants.

I’m interested in dental implant surgery! What’s the next step?

A comprehensive dental exam and evaluation is required before the procedure can take place. This will include dental x-rays and taking a mold of the mouth to make a model of the mouth. A variety of specialists, including oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists and doctors will help to create your personal treatment plan.

How Long Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

A few factors determine the dental implant procedure timeline. They are:

  1. Your dental health
  2. Which teeth are replaced
  3. The number of teeth involved
  4. If you’ll require a tooth extraction before the implant placement

The dentist restores your mouth with an implant in two phases and the entire process can take around three to nine months. It could take even longer if you have an extraction that has to heal, or if you needed bone grafts before the dentist implanted the posts.

Prior to the surgery, you will have the chance to discuss with your doctor the different anesthesia options available. You will have a choice of local, general or sedation anesthesia. Together with your dental specialist and health care team you can determine which option is the best choice for you.

What Is the Downside of Dental Implants?

Similar to any oral surgical procedure, there is a chance of infection, pain and inflammation. However, negative effects are rare and usually minor if they do occur. Your dentist will talk with you about how they can manage these risks for your specific situation.

Also, if the dentist can’t place the implant because there’s no available bone, then you may require a bone and gum grafting procedure, which could increase your treatment cost.

What Is the Upside of Dental Implants?

Fortunately, humans get two sets of teeth. When you lose a single tooth or multiple teeth because of gum disease or dental decay, implants can now replace them and serve as your third set of fixed teeth. Implants have many upsides, including:

  1. They improve your appearance
  2. They improve your confidence
  3. They can last a lifetime
  4. They allow you to have an active lifestyle
  5. They improve your ability to eat the foods you like
  6. You no longer have to worry about your teeth
  7. They never decay because they’re made of titanium

Dental implants, in general, have an up to 98 percent success rate.

What Can I Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

For two days following your surgery, drink liquids and consume soft foods only like:

  • Eggnog
  • Milkshakes
  • Cooked cereals
  • Yogurt
  • Smooth soups
  • Cottage cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Protein shakes
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Refried beans
  • Pudding


On day three following your surgery, eat soft foods that don’t require much chewing like:

  • Cooked noodles
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Soft sandwiches
  • Poached, soft-boiled or scrambled eggs


Avoid crunchy or tough foods like rice, pizza, hamburgers and popcorn. Avoid acidic and spicy foods. Most individuals resume their regular diet seven days after their surgery.

How Soon After a Tooth Extraction Can You Have an Implant?

The dentist places dental implants in your jaw by making precise holes in your bone so that they fit snuggly. They do this where your teeth are missing but where you have adequate bone to hold the dental implants. In some cases, it’s possible for them to place dental implants on the same day your dentist extracts your teeth. Typically, however, it takes around three to six months of healing before you can have your implant placed.

Can Your Mouth Reject an Implant?

Very rarely does an individual’s body reject an implant. The jawbone usually readily accepts the dental implant. The very few rejections are due to rare allergies to the titanium alloy that make up the implant. Another reason why an implant could fail is if you don’t take proper care of it after your surgery. Without excellent oral hygiene, natural teeth fail and fall out eventually. Dental implants are no different. When you take good care of your teeth and your implants, it will help prevent gum decay and structure failure later on.

How Long Does It Take for Dental Implants to Heal?

The average implant process occurs in multiple steps. You may require more than one healing stage. So, there’s a varied healing period, depending on your health, how many teeth you need replacing and other factors. However, the healing process generally takes anywhere from six to 12 weeks.

What Can You Not Do After Dental Implant Surgery?

First, you shouldn’t smoke. Smoking causes gum disease and recession, which makes the dental implant structure weak over time. Therefore, you should not smoke or chew tobacco.

Also, don’t apply any heat to your face unless you’re instructed to by your dentist. Heat could increase swelling.

Don’t use straws. Doing so places pressure on your mouth that could dislodge the blood clot that’s keeping the wound closed, cause more bleeding and delay healing.

Can You Remove Dental Implants or Do They Stay in Your Mouth?

You can’t remove dental implants because they’re fixed right into your bone, replacing your teeth in a way that’s closest to your natural teeth.

Who Are Good Candidates for Dental Implants?

To be a good candidate for implants, you need to have good oral and general health. You also need to have adequate bone in your jaw to support the dental implant, be free of periodontal disease and have healthy gum tissues.

In general, you may be a good candidate for dental implants if you:

  • Have one or more teeth missing
  • Have enough bone for securing the dental implant or can have a bone graft
  • Have a fully grown jawbone
  • Have healthy oral tissues
  • Are unwilling or unable to wear dentures
  • Don’t have a medical condition that would affect bone healing
  • Would like to improve your speech
  • Can commit a few months to the process
  • Don’t smoke or are willing to quit

Can You Turn Dentures Into Implants?

No, dentures can’t be “made into implants.” Dental implants are metal screws the dentist places into your jawbone to help support and anchor your artificial teeth (dentures). It might be possible for your dentist to place the implants beneath existing dentures to help stabilize and support them. However, the dentist can only do this if your existing dentures are in excellent condition. The dentist will examine your existing dentures to determine their condition.

How Do Implants Help If I Have Partial or Full Dentures?

Individuals who wear partial or full dentures are the most frequent users of dental implants. Dental implants can help provide support and retention for a removable implant overdenture that the dentist snaps on your implants. Implants help ensure that the full or partial denture doesn’t move and decreases the need for denture glue or adhesives. You can also use implants with a fixed denture. The dentist may bolt your dentures to the dental implants using titanium components.